1. Kalpia Vaia 1 Mihas Pavlos2 ,
    1.Doctoral Student of the Department of Elementary Education of the Demokritus University of Thrace, vkalpia@sch.gr
    2.Professor of the Department of Elementary Education of the Demokritus University of Thrace, pmichas@eled.duth.gr

  2. Michael Skoumios1 and Vassilia Hatzinikita2
    1 University of the Aegean, skoumios@rho.forthnet.gr
    2 Hellenic Open University, Educational Research and Pedagogy Unit, hatzinikita@eap.gr

  3. Dimitriadis P. George, Fakazi K. Eleni
    Teacher, Post-graduate student, gdimitri1@yahoo.gr
    Kindergarten teacher, Post-graduate student, elfakazi@yahoo.com

  4. Apostolopoulou A., Klonari A., Soulakellis N.
    PhD Student, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean, aikap@geo.aegean.gr
    Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean, aklonari@geo.aegean.gr
    Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean, nsoul@aegean.gr