The strategy of Debate on environmental education

Dimitriadis P. George, Fakazi K. Eleni
Teacher, Post-graduate student,
Kindergarten teacher, Post-graduate student,

Education and Environmental education in particular have been commissioned with the difficult role of the sensitization of the people and of the social group and the cultivation of an effective attribute and ability on them, in accordance with the repeatedly augmented environmental problems. So as to remain modern and up to date Environmental education is necessary to be developed and allocated. From the very first steps of the application of the Environmental education what has characterized her in particular was the ingenuity on the mean and on the method. So as to fulfill her difficult target and to have positive results, environmental education must adopt teaching strategies, which enhance energetic learning and self-activity of the students. As, on methodology, the method of project almost monopolizes the place of environmental education, on the other hand debate, which is the theme of this work, comprise one teaching strategy that can approach the target of the environmental education.