Choosing ICT: a matter of learning about learning Science

Pintó R. Centre de Recerca per a l’Educació Científica i Matemàtica (CRECIM) University Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain),

From the last two decades and with an increasing and continuous presence, we have new resources for Science teaching: the information and communication tools (ICT). There is a proliferation of ICT and, nowadays, our job is to choose the one that best suit our interest in each moment. It is necessary to think about the process of learning and in the intended goals of the school at each level to decide which is the best ICT to be used to achieve such goals. It is appropriate to do some reflection about the possibilities and limits of each ICT and do not take for granted that using them good achievements can be obtained

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Προσκεκλημένη ομιλία 5

Αμφιθέατρο, Προεδρείο: Κωνσταντίνου Κ., Λεμονίδης Χ.

9 Μαι 2009 12:30 - 13:30