A Study of Primary Teachers' collaboration in Geography, based on a blended character approach.
Paraskevas, A. Lambrinos, N. Psillos, D.
Department οf Primary Education, Aristotle's University, aparaske@eled.auth.gr
Department οf Primary Education, Aristotle's University, labrinos@eled.auth.gr
Department οf Primary Education, Aristotle's University, psillos@eled.auth.gr
Teacher's collaboration in teaching science is characterized as a difficult area in education. Teachers seem to prefer to work individually than collaboratively since university studies until their professional career. A phrase that summarizes conclusions of research in the field of collaborative learning and collaborative work is "collaboration is not easy". Thus we applied a didactic approach of blended character aiming initially in the good knowledge of geographic coordinates. The didactic approach included theoretical courses face to face, web based material and a field research as an outdoor activity. That knowledge would assist teachers to fulfill a collaborative scenario in order to produce lesson planning's in the area of orientation with navigation instruments. In the present work we described the didactic approach in Geography and analysed results concerning identification and collaboration study in a web based asynchronous discussion.