Kinetic development and the comprehension of geometrical shapes and solids within the framework of the cross-thematic curriculum in Kindergarten school

Konstantelia Nikoleta Tsapakidou Aggeliki
University of Western Macedonia, Department of Preschool Education (Florina),

This research explores a teaching intervention within the framework of a cross-thematic project in Kindergarten school. The aim of the research is to study the development of kinetic dexterities and the understanding of geometrical shapes in three-dimensional space. The sample of the research was eighty (80) pre-school children, who were divided in two groups (experimental and control). This project lasted for two months and it included kinetic activities and games. The evaluation of the children's kinetic performance was realized with the Motorist (MOT 4-6) test and with questionnaires which referred to geometrical shapes. The results of the research showed that, after the implementation of the intervention, the experimental group exhibited better results both in the kinetic test and the comprehension of geometrical shapes and solids. The results of this particular project agree with results of similar research papers, where it is evident that the cross-curricular projects influence both the kinetic and the comprehensive development of kindergarten pupils.