Comparative study in misconceptions on concepts of the classical mechanics by first and second year university students in a Department of Physics

K. T. Kotsis1 and G. Stylos2
1. University of Ioannina, Department of Primary Education, Ioannina 45110 Greece,
2. University of Ioannina, Department of Primary Education, Ioannina 45110 Greece

In previous work were presented the results from empiric research that was realised in first year students of Physics department, on concepts and laws of Mechanics. The results of research showed that the students, substantially graduates of Lyceum, had been misconceptions on these concepts. The present work examines once again the perceptions of second year university students of Physics department with the same tool of collection of data and it presents that an important part of students continues these misconception, even after two years of study in the University.