Instructions for the writing criteria and the submission of proposals

Format of presentations:

Proposals' submission

All proposals must be submitted until the 30th of November 2008.

All proposals will be judged blindly by two members of the scientific committee.

Proposals can be submitted:

1.By sending an e-mail to the following address:

The file type can be

The file name must be the writer's name in Latin, e.g. Papadopoulos.doc. Should a writer submit more than one paper, they should be numbered, e.g. Papadopoulos_1.doc, Papadopoulos_2.doc etc.

2.By surface mail in print and digital form (cd) to the following address:

Prof. P. Kariotoglou

School of Education

University of Western Macedonia

53100 Florina


All approved papers will be published in CD-ROM, in the form of a digital book with an ISBN number. The CD-ROM will be ready for distribution by the beginning of the conference. The approved papers will be also uploaded in our website in due time (

Writing criteria


Papers should be up to 8 pages A4 long (including pictures, tables and references). The papers address not only to scientists, but also to plain teachers. Hence, they would better not include too many details (especially regarding methodology and results) and this is why they shouldn't exceed the 8 pages.

* Margins: 2,5 cm at all sides
* Line spacing: single
* Title font: Arial
* Main body font: Times New Roman
* Within the text as well as in the references page the names of the writers should not appear. Instead write "Writer's names, Paper 1", "Writer's names, Paper 2", etc.

You can download a paper example by clicking on the attached files of this page.


For each symposium you have to submit: a summary of the symposium up to two (2) pages long as well as the full papers of the symposium. The writing criteria are the same as above.


Writers who wish may publish a presentation on a special stand. The posters will be presented during special sessions. In the conference volume there will be a special chapter with 3 pages for each poster. The writing criteria are the same as above.


Those who wish to organize workshops can submit a four-page workshop description, which will be included in a special chapter of the conference volume. The writing criteria are the same as above.